KAC is currently under reconstruction

I work with open acrhives of Contemporary Art Center in Vilnius and explore the influence of artificial intelligence on intellectual workers and cultural production workers. Services like Midjourney user hyper-efficient algoritms that can «read/watch» the entire internet and use this data without paying to content creators and authors and the then sell us their final product. They win twice.

AI produces a lot of fears in a field of cognitariat — that AI could take jobs of coders or designers for example. For artist it’s also could be a problem, if it will sneak into art institution. So I’m developing a speculative institution — Kontemporary Art Center which creates new artworks based on data from real institution — Contemporary Art Center in Vilnius. I imagine myself as a part of engineering department of my speculative institution and in KAC we no longer need artist, we just use open data to create new artworks — it reflects the situation i’ve already mentioned, how AI companies use data.