Fishes and hammers

In "Fishes and hammers", a private recruiter who specializes in finding and recruiting jobs for non-human cartoon actors shared an archive of motivation letters and CVs. By making visible what's normally displaced from cartoons, there's an additional exposure of absurdity and what's called "naturalization" - that is, a reading into something of the common sense and order of things that's established now, but that doesn't have to be forever. 

Turning to widely known cartoons, we can see the normalization of the concept of "work". And it is an absurdity of this normalization that we overlook. For example, in Shark Tale (2004), the main character Oscar is a handyman at a whale wash. In Sponge Bob (1999), the main character fries burgers and says it is his "calling". In Monsters, Inc. (2001), non-human characters worked for a corporation and went to the office. 

If the entire system in the non-human communities in these worlds is built on capitalist production, and capitalism does not exist without periods of "crisis" then, one can assume, that then workers in these worlds are in constant danger of losing their jobs.