
Currently doing MA degree in Vilnius Academy of Arts, thesis: “Invisible workforce in training artificial intelligence”. In 2021 graduated from the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) in Moscow. Participant in the main program of “The Wrong Biennale”. Since 2022 based in Vilnius, Lithuania. 

2024 KAC is currently under reconstruction
2024 Becoming a dot
2023 On the other side of the page
2022 Kanbump
2022 Fish and hammers


2023-2025 Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius, Lithuania
2021-2022 Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA), Moscow, Russia

Personal exhibitons
2024 Take your time, Vent Space, Tallinn, Estonia

Group exhibitions
2024 KAC is currently under reconstruction, Titanikas, Vilnius, Lithuania
2024 I regret to inform you that, The Transformation Gallery, London, UK
2024 Within the limitations, Ashford Visuals, Ashford, UK
2024 Digital alchemy: rewiring paradigms, The Wrong Biennale, San José, Costa Rica
2024 Love letters to my fellow human, Alt lab, Institutio Media, Vilnius, Lithuania
2023 Untitled, Printmaking lab, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius, Lithuania
2023 Unexpected dreams, Jozo-Jozo temporary gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania
2023 Forget or not, Kazakov salon pop-up gallery, Moscow, Russia
2022 Me-them-you, Chistye prudy 23 gallery, Moscow, Russia

2024 Ecologies of labor, Sponge lab, SODAS 2123, Vilnius, Lithuania
2022 Anti-CV, CLPP, online participatory lab
2021 Collectivity and communities, CLPP, online participatory lab

Public speaking
2022 Interpersonality, participatory practices and community-based approach in creative production, EdCrunch conference, Astana, Kazakhstan
2024 AI and labor. From fear to narrative, Vent Space, Tallinn, Estonia

2024 Research grant by Research Council of Lithuania (LMT)
2023 Research grant for artists by Exactly.ai